version 2.11 August 24, 204 -------------- - Increased the maximum number of channels from 640 to 4096. (Before, EDFbrowser refused to open files that contained more than 640 channels.) - Fix possible random aborts (crash-alike) caused by false positives when compile option "fortify source" was enabled in the Qt makespecs by some distributions. - QRS detector: increased the maximum number of QRS annotations from 262144 to 2^31. - Options/Settings: Added an option to select the plotting order (Z-order, not the position) of the traces (top to bottom or vice versa). version 2.10 June 8, 2024 -------------- - Added keyboard shortcuts for jumping to next and previous annotation. - Predefined montage dialog: take care of locale for filename & path. - Fixed a bug that caused the timesync to be initially wrong when opening multiple files and timesync was set to absolute (default). - When opening a file, in case a signal label is named "EDF Annotations " and the file is not EDF+, change the label to "EDF_Annotations " (in memory) in order to avoid a possible conflict when exporting the file to EDF+. - Update EDFlib. version 2.09 April 7, 2024 -------------- - Fixed a regression bug that prevented the signal properties dialog from being opened when clicking on the signallabel in the plotting window. version 2.08 March 23, 2024 -------------- - Fix regression bug releated to BDF files created by Biosemi that caused the file invalid because of the text "Reserved" in the reserved fields of the signals. - Draw rectangle with the mouse (zoom-in or creating a channel linked annotation) accepts now also rectangles drawn in any direction (before it accepted only rectangles drawn from up-left to down-right). - Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E in order to toggle the annotation editor. version 2.07 February 25, 2024 -------------- - File -> Info -> Signals: show also the resolution of the signals. - ECG powerline interference subtraction filter: make clear that the ECG signal must have a resolution better than or equal to 10 uV/bit. Do not list signals with worse resolution in the list of the dialog. - Fix timing offset error of horizontal graticule at small timescales (e.g. milliseconds). - Plotting: fixed a small timing offset error at low samplerates and small timescale. - Plotting: add/improve the graticule when using timescales less than one second. - Plotting: added an "ECG view mode" option which provides the typical ECG grid (red on white) with 40 millisecond and 0.1 mV per grid box. version 2.06 January 2, 2024 -------------- - Added an option to set the default timescale. - Added an option to fit the signals to their panes when opening a file. - CDSA dialog: adjust default settings in case units is mV instead of uV. - Classic filter dialog: fixed a minor bug in the plotting of the moving average filter curve. - EDF validator: check also the reserved fields of the signal headers. version 2.05 September 23, 2023 -------------- - Added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to toggle annotation markers. - When saving a montage, if there's a aEEG/CDSA/Hypnogram instance present, save them as well into the montage file. - Remote control: added command: STReam:OPEn - Allow to pause fileposition updates during streaming. - Options/Settings: added the option to enable to invert signals by default (when manually added in the signals dialog) and if the signals are marked as EEG in the signal label. - Fixed some compiler errors & warnings caused & revealed by GLIBC 2.38 & GCC 13. version 2.04 May 20, 2023 -------------- - Print to printer, PDF or image: fixed and cleaned up old and broken code. - Make it easier to drag and drop the crosshairs. - various minor improvements and code cleanups. - Header editor -> Recording field -> characters left indicator: check if startdate is absent ('X') and adapt the numbers of characters left accordingly. version 2.03 April 24, 2023 -------------- - Regression bug fix related to the onscreen annotation markers. version 2.02 April 22, 2023 -------------- - EDF compatibility check: EDF header: reserved field: check all 44 bytes (instead of just the first 5 bytes) and refuse to open the file if any extraneous bytes are present that have no business there. - Annotation editor: drawing a rectangle with the mouse while keeping the Ctrl button pressed (to create a signal linked annotation): added the possibility to use the Shift button instead which will create a normal annotation (not signal linked). - Annotation editor: when creating an annotation by using a pair of crosshairs and the Control button is pressed, the delta of the amplitude will be printed into the annotation's description. - Added the possibility to configure the resolution (milliSecond or microSecond) for the annotationslist, the annotation editor, the fileposition indicator and timescale indicator and the annotation markers. - various bugfixes and code cleanups. version 2.01 March 18, 2023 -------------- - Annotationlist: added option "Auto scroll" when browsing. - Waveform window: prevent that annotation descriptions are stacked upon each other. - Added a CardioTrak EDF to EDF+ converter which extracts non-compliant events to EDF+ annotations. - Hypnogram: the height of the dock is now adjustable. - Fixed a bug in the bin/raw to EDF converter. - Fixed some compiler warnings. - Waveform window: annotation duration's colored overlay: added the possibility to assign max. 8 annotation descriptions to specific colors - Fixed a regression bug that caused to set a wrong fileposition when multiple EDF+ files were opened and when clicked on an annotation in an annotationlist of a file that was not the reference file. version 2.00 January 29, 2023 -------------- - Fixed a bug that could potentially misalign the timing when more than one file was opened at the same time and the files had subsecond starttime offsets (EDF+). version 1.99 January 28, 2023 -------------- - FIR filter dialog: added a design tool to create FIR filter coefficients using the Windowed Sinc or Parks-McClellan algorithm. - Vertical scrollbar of signalwindow: added keyboard shortcut (shift+arrow up/down). version 1.98 December 17, 2022 -------------- - Amplitude -> Fit to pane: fixed calculation in case the vertical scrollbar is enabled - Hypnogram: fixed a compiler warning - bumped minimum Qt6 version to 6.4.1 version 1.97 November 19, 2022 -------------- - Mit to EDF+ converter: fixed a bug in the annotation description list. - Import annotations tool: MIT/WFDB: fixed a bug in the annotation description list. - Fixed compiler warnings on MacOS. - Hypnogram: fixed a bug that caused the hypnogram to be empty when it was loaded from a session file. - Hypnogram: added the possibility to show user defined annotations using colored overlays in the hypnogram. version 1.96 October 15, 2022 -------------- - Signals dialog & File -> Info: show also the end time of the recording. - Re-ordered the timescale menu and added some more entries. - Import annotations/events: from ASCII/CSV: added the option to accept only annotation files that have the same name as the EDF/BDF file and have the extension .txt, .csv or .tsv. - Added support for Qt6. version 1.95 July 16, 2022 -------------- - Added an EEG powerline interference subtraction filter. - Pagetime indicator: show also "mm/sec". This option can be disabled in the options menu. - Timescale menu: User defined: added the possibility to set the timescale in mm per sec. - Signals window: added the possibility to enable a vertical scrollbar for the signal window so that the signals will be distributed over more vertical space. This can be enabled and setup in Settings -> Options -> Other. version 1.94 June 19, 2022 -------------- - Annotation editor: now you can select different lengths for stage/epoch and pagetime/timescale for userbuttons when "jump to next page" is enabled. Go to Settings -> Options -> Annotation editor. Keeping the Shift key pressed while hitting the create button or a user button will cause the onset time of the annotation to be lowered with the annotation's duration. Press 'a' when both crosshairs are enabled on the same signal in order to create a signal linked annotation. The short-cuts for the user buttons have changed from "Ctl+1", "Ctl+2", etc. to '1', '2', etc. - View saved sessions: fixed a bug that caused the session viewer to report an error in case an aEEG is present in the session. - Print to EDF/BDF: in case a signal is inverted, change polarity of physmax and physmin in outputfile. - Export filtered signals: in case a signal is inverted, change polarity of physmax and physmin in outputfile. version 1.93 May 14, 2022 -------------- - Made the label type stripping optional, it can be enabled or disabled in Settings -> Options -> Other Default is enabled e.g. EEG FP1 becomes FP1, ECG V2 becomes V2. - ASCII to EDF converter: increase maximum line length from 2048 to 16384. - Added the possibility to display aEEG/CFM (amplitude-integrated EEG / Cerebral Function Monitoring). - Import annotations/events: ASCII/CSV import: added the possibility to read files that use a starttime and a stoptime (as opposed to a starttime and a duration). version 1.92 March 27, 2022 -------------- - Added the option to save and load a session. - Z-EEG: fixed a bug that potentially could cause a segfault (crash). - Filter dialog: when selecting a bandpass- or bandstopfilter, when editing a value for a frequency, do not change the value for the other frequency. (The old behaviour was done so in order to always keep legal values i.e. F2 must always be higher than F1, but this behaviour is annoying when editing these values). Now, the check F2 > F1 will be performed when hitting the "Apply" button. version 1.91 February 4, 2022 -------------- - Save/restore the windowsize when closing/starting the program. - Fixed a bug where EDFplus patient and recording subfields where not read correctly if they started with an 'X'. - Adjust scaling when dragged to another screen with a different resolution. version 1.90 January 2, 2022 -------------- - Some minor fixes related to set the color options. - Undo commit: "Show a waiting cursor when processing waveform data when the timescale is set to a large value" for now, because it interferes with user input (mouse: crosshairs). version 1.89 December 5, 2021 -------------- - Hypnogram: highlight gaps / overlaps: use a threshold of 0.1 sec. so that very small gaps / overlaps will not be highlighted. - Videoplayer: remember the path for the recent video file independently from the recent EDF file. - Added the possibility to "remote control" EDFbrowser by another program using a loopback port. - Header editor: it can now also repair a file which contains signals that have equal values for physical maximum and physical minimum. - Show a waiting cursor when processing waveform data when the timescale is set to a large value. - Added the possibility to set the default amplitude according to the physical maximum of the signal. version 1.88 November 2, 2021 -------------- - Fixed a bug introduced in version 1.87 that caused the zoom-in and zoom-out (backspace key) functions to stop working correctly. version 1.87 October 30, 2021 -------------- - Annotation editor: added the option to create quickly a signal-linked annotation by drawing a rectangle over the part of the signal of interest. - Floating ruler: added an option in Settings -> Options that will automatically adjust the width of the ruler in order to always show integer numbers for "Hz". - Annotation list: offer the possibility to delete all annotations. - Annotation editor: added the possibility to let the viewtime automatically stay on an integer multiple of the page /epoch time when using the user buttons to create annotations. - Annotation list: when clicked on an annotation in the annotation list, the file position will jump to the onset time of that annotation and the annotation marker will appear either at the start or the middle of the page, depending on a new option that can be found in Settings -> Options -> Other. - Annotation list: Fixed a bug in the function "Remove duplicates" that potentially caused not to remove all duplicates. - Hypnogram: Added the possibility to use the annotations' duration as the epoch time. Overlapping epochs or gaps will be highlighted. - Color Density Spectral Array: added the possibility to export the data. - Indicate when there's no file opened. - Indicate when no signals have been added to the screen. - Show the file position indicator and the page time indicator also when no signals have been added to the screen (but a file has been opened). - Show a warning when detecting samples that are outside the minimum - maximum range as specified in the EDF header. Clip the affected samples using the limits as specified in the EDF header. - Added a "EDF file debug" mode which will show the file offsets of the various header fields in File -> Info and also for annotations in the annotations list, both using "tooltips". This mode can be enabled in Settings -> Options -> Other -> Show EDF debug info. version 1.86 October 2, 2021 -------------- - Export to ASCII (CSV): fixed a bug that caused the program to hang forever when exporting a file with an extremely long datarecord duration. - Annotation editor: added the possibility to configure a maximum of eight user buttons which can be used to quickly generate annotations e.g. for sleep scoring. - Added support for signal linked annotations using "@@" in the annotation description. - Annotation editor: fixed a bug that caused the negative prefix of the onsettime field inoperable. - Import/Export annotations/events: offer the possibility to select UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) for text encoding. version 1.85 August 29, 2021 -------------- - Allow using the annotation editor with video playback. - Annotation editor: increase maximum allowed duration of an annotation to 10000000 seconds (115 days). - Spectrum dock: allow bigger DFT block sizes. - Floating ruler: do not disappear when timescale or amplitude is set to a very high or low value, switch to exponential notation instead. - Annotation editor: when clicking on an annotation in the waveform window, make sure the annotation is selected and visible in the annotations list. Keeping the shift-key pressed during this operation will prevent the annotation from moving. - Header info: show number of datarecords. - Filter dialog: fixed a bug in the GUI. - Signals dialog: when creating a derivation between two or more signals, in case there's a problem because the signals have different values for the resolution, advise how to correct the problem. - Crosshairs: you can now change the looks of the crosshairs: enable/disable the horizontal line and enable/disable a center dot with configurable size. See the first tab of the settings/options. version 1.84 May 2, 2021 -------------- - Ishne ECG to EDF+ converter: added support to read and include the annotations file (*.ann). - Heartrate variability plot: added the possibility to change the trace color. - EDF check: when refusing to open a file because the datarecord duration is 0 and filetype is EDF+ or BDF+, inform the user that the annotations in that file can still be imported using Tools -> Import annotations. - Header editor: Show also fields that are not allowded to edit (these fields will be shown in read-only mode). Removed a memory leak. version 1.83 April 3, 2021 -------------- - Annotations list: don't change file position when accessing the contextmenu by right-clicking on an annotation. - QRS detector: added the possibility to concatenate the signal's name to the annotation description. This behaviour can be enabled/disabled in the options/settings. - Heart Rate Variability plot: added a configuration dialog where you can adjust the vertical scale (BPM) and the height of the plotting window. It can be accessed by right-clicking on the plot. - Annotation markers: Right-clicking on an annotationmarker now opens a context menu with a couple of options. - Added the possibility to mass-rename annotations. - Added the possibility to mass-delete annotations. - Annotations list: show the number of items in the list. - Moving Average Filter: improve run-in behaviour of the plotting at the start of a file. - Heartrate plot toolbar: Fixed a possible crash caused by a double free when closing the plot toolbar. version 1.82 February 27, 2021 -------------- - Save montage: it's now possible to select the method used to identify the signal, label based or index based. - File Info: Signals: Make sure the content (if any) of the pre-filter and transducer fields are visible. It happened that, depending on the column width, the first part of the field wasn't visible which could give the false impression that the field was empty. - Import annotations/events: make it possible to import annotations from a discontinuous (EDF+D or BDF+D) file also when the datarecord duration is set to zero. - CDSA: fixed a bug that caused a message "Internal error (-3)" when there's a particular ratio between the datarecord duration of an EDF file and the segment length of the CDSA. version 1.81 February 2, 2021 -------------- - Fixed a regression bug that caused the background of the signallabels not being cleared before drawing. - BDF to EDF converter: Offer the possibility to disable the highpass-filter. - Annotation markers: Use a different color when the annotation is selected. - Added a new tool that allows to unify the resolution of a selected group of signals. - Fixed a bug in the filtered block reader. version 1.80 January 1, 2021 -------------- - Solved a bug that caused a crash when importing annotations and using the annotation editor immediately without saving the imported annotations first. - EDF+ and BDF+: do not accept startdates set to a date before 1985. Effectively, the startdate as defined for EDF must be equal to the startdate as defined for EDF+, in order not to break backwards compatibility. So, only startdates in the range 1985 - 2084 inclusive are valid. Use 1985-01-01 00:00:00 as the startdate and starttime for anonymization purposes. - Clear the struct used for the crosshairs to avoid potentially using uninitialized values. - Settings/Options: fixed a minor regression bug that prevented the setting of the mouse rectangle color. - Added the possibility to set a user defined (custom) value for the amplitude (gain/scale) for all signals at once. - annotationlist: after editing/deleting/creating an annotation, set back the original position of the vertical scrollbar. - Fix compiler warnings related to "-Wdeprecated-declarations" introduced by newer Qt versions. version 1.79 October 25, 2020 -------------- - CDSA: fixed a bug that caused a crash when the datarecord duration of an EDF file is longer than the segment length of the CDSA. - EDF+D to EDF+C converter: bugfix: don't write EDF+ startdate in the output file if it wasn't used in the input file. - Add signals dialog: fixed a regression bug that caused the field "Recording duration" not to appear. version 1.78 October 10, 2020 -------------- - Make it possible to change the fontsize. - Adapt dialogs, widgets and geometries according to physical DPI of the screen in order to deal with HIDPI screens (4K etc.). - Signals dialog: make it possible to compose derivations with signal factors that are not an integer. E.g.: It's now possible to create a signalcomposition of (1 x F4) - (0.5 x A1) - (0.5 x A2). - Several different import tools: Filedialog: give an option to show "All files (*)" instead of only the default extensions. - Organize Signals dialog: Make it possible to edit the signal/trace properties and show the alias. - Statistics dialog: Show also max. peak, min. peak and peak to peak values. version 1.77 June 24, 2020 -------------- - Annotation editor: added auto-completion for the annotation description field. - Positionslider: fixed a bug that could cause the slider to jump back to the beginning with filelengths of more than 255 hours. version 1.76 May 12, 2020 -------------- - Adjust filter dialog: fixed a bug that potentially could cause a crash (segmentation fault). - Fixed some compiler warnings related to deprecated declarations. - Signalchooser widget: skip it if there's only one signal on the screen. - Adapt the colorbutton when choosing varying colors when loading signals. - Average waveform dialog: fixed a bug that prevented setting the stop time with recordings >= 24 hours. version 1.75 April 25, 2020 -------------- - Color chooser dialog: fixed a bug that showed a "vary colors" button in places where it shouldn't. - Pan-Tompkins QRS detector: added an improvement in order to recover faster after artefacts with very high amplitude. - Fixed a bug that caused a crash (segmentation fault) when opening the annotation editor caused by dereferencing a null-pointer. version 1.74 April 17, 2020 -------------- - MIT (Physionet) to EDF+ converter: fixed a bug related to ADC baseline and ADC zero which could possibly cause a wrong DC-offset. - Fixed a bug that could render the keyboard shortcut for crosshairs inoperable. - Fixed a bug related to the option "Annotations: filter list only". - Override setting "Vary signal colors" when manually selecting a signal color in the "Add Signals" dialog. - Heartrate / beat detector: replaced the QRS detector with the Pan-Tompkins algorithm. Added a quick-access in the Tools menu. Added a heart rate toolbar with timeline. version 1.73 March 15, 2020 -------------- - Added the possibility to show a Hypnogram using sleepstages from the annotations. version 1.72 February 8, 2020 -------------- - Spectrum Analyzer: added window type "Kaiser". - Added the possibility to show a Color Density Spectral Array (CDSA). - Use a different color for an annotations' background when it's selected in the annotations list. - Added "drag & drop" for loading an EDF file. - Fixed a missing feature in the MIT to EDF converter. version 1.71 December 21, 2019 -------------- - Added an option in the settings dialog to enable to assign varying colors to traces when adding traces to the screen. - Spectrumanalyzer: switch to exponential notation in case of big numbers. - Spectrum Analyzer: added window type "HFT95". - Converters: added a ISHNE Holter ECG to EDF converter. - Videoplayer: fixed a bug that could cause a wrong synchronization between the video and the EDF file. - Import annotations: solved a bug that prevented to import annotations stored in an ASCII file when the option "Manual description" was enabled. version 1.70 September 7, 2019 -------------- - Added an option in the settings dialog to enable an automatic update of the onsettime field of the annotation editor when scrolling and a cross-hair is active. - Fixed a regression bug that caused the second cross-hair non-functional. version 1.69 September 2, 2019 -------------- - Fixed a bug in the floating ruler. - MIT (Physionet) to EDF converter: fixed a bug regarding offset scaling (baseline & adczero) - Fixed a bug in the Print to EDF/BDF function that could produce an invalid file. version 1.68 August 5, 2019 -------------- - MIT (Physionet) to EDF converter: fixed a bug related to 212 decoding when an odd number of signals is present. - Added a shortcut for crosshairs. - FFT: Added the possibility to use overlapping blocks. - Nihon Kohden to EDF+ converter: added a workaround for a log file quirk where the last character of the version string is missing. - Annotation editor: Update the onset time automatically when changing file position and a crosshair is active. - Fixed a bug that, when displaying many channels, triggered a false error message saying that the system did not have enough memory. - Fixed a bug that, when linear interpolation is enabled, artefacts in the form of horizontal lines could appear. - Enforce the same fontsize independent from distro and available fonts. version 1.67 Januari 26, 2019 -------------- - MIT (Physionet) to EDF converter: fix bug in header parser. - Spectrumanalyzer: added new window functions (Blackman-Harris, Hann, Nuttall) and improved the dynamic range. - Export filtered signals: in the treeview list, show also the custom FIR filters. - Print to EDF/BDF: now it can print files which have datarecord durations which are not a multiple integer of each other. In that case the samplerates of the signals (on the screen) must have integer values. - Fixed a bug that could cause a segfault when printing to EDF or BDF from a file that has a small datarecord duration and a very high samplerate. version 1.66 November 17, 2018 -------------- - Increase maximum number of signals from 512 to 640. - Improvements for the MIT2EDF converter. - Annotationfilter: added an option in the settings menu to filter only the annotation list or also the annotation markers in the signal window. - Add dynamic ECG statistic info (heart rate variability) in statusbar when activated. - Added a customizable FIR filter. version 1.65 July 17, 2018 -------------- - WAV to EDF/BDF converter: fixed a bug that caused a wrong conversion in case of 24-bit wave files. - Videoplayer: make it work on MAC OS - EDFlib: Fixed a bug that could cause not to write the obligatory space between the subfields of patient name and patient additional. - Annotations: fixed a bug that caused a wrong background color rendering for the duration of an annotation. - Spectrumanalyzer: solved a bug that could cause the mouse cursor to show a "waiting" cursor forever. version 1.64 June 2, 2018 -------------- - EMSA to EDF converter: fixed a bug that could cause a crash due to invalid free-ing of memory. Fixed a bug that could cause to write an invalid character into the EDF header when a signallabel name is shorter than 16 bytes. - Export filtered signals: include Z-ratio filter. - Spectrum Analyzer: added the possibility to change the DFT block size on the fly. - Spectrum Analyzer: added the possibility to apply a Hamming or Blackman window. - Annotations markers now show also the duration of the event (if present). This can be switched off in the settings control panel. - Header editor: in case the physical maximum or minimum fields contains a comma as a decimal separator, replace the comma with a dot. - Update the videoplayer to work with VLC version 3 - Enable the videoplayer on windows - Fixed a bug in the Z-ratio filter (Z-EEG). - Annotation editor: added a keyboard shortcut for the delete button. version 1.63 March 10, 2018 -------------- - Fixed a bug in the mit2edf converter. - mit2edf converter: make sure there's always enough storage space in the file for annotations. - Powerspectrum dock: fixed a bug that caused the percentage of the first frequency region always 0%. - Signalcurve & filtercurve: set font to a fixed pixelsize. - Import annotations: added support for annotations in MIT / WFDB (physionet) format. - Added a Mortara ECG XML to EDF converter. - Print to EDF/BDF & Export Filtered Signals: check polarity of the signals. version 1.62 January 7, 2018 -------------- - Improve speed when processing annotations for heart rate variability. - Update EDFlib. - Fixed some memory leaks. - Fixed some of-by-one out of boundary memory readings that potentially could cause a segfault. - Bugfixes. version 1.61 November 1, 2017 -------------- - Fixed a bug that caused a freeze/lockup when using the annotationlist filter. - Added the possibility to filter annotations based on minimum and maximum interval time. - Fixed a regression bug that could cause a crash when using the "reduce signals" tool with an EDF+ file. - Added a tool to export filtered and or derived signals to a new file. - Added the possibility to view the Heart Rate Variability using the annotation list. version 1.60 September 16, 2017 -------------- - Improve parameter checking for signal composition when loading a montage file. - Added a powerline interference removal filter for ECG signals. - Added the possibility to fix the EDF-header in case the value for digital maximum is lower than or equal to digital minimum. - When "whole recording" is selected for the Timescale and multiple files are opened, make sure all recordings are completely visible. - Fix erroneous reading of the datarecord duration field in the header when the number has a sign. - Annotations: show the duration using an overlay in the background color. - Annotations: show the date when "relative" is unchecked in the annotations list and viewtime/fileposition indicator is set to "date real (relative)" in the Settings dialog. - Added a workaround for KDE Plasma 5 bug 345023. version 1.59 May 8, 2017 -------------- - Improved memory management of annotations and annotations sorting algorithm, which results in faster processing when a file contains many annotations (> 10000). - Fixed a bug with the realtime playback function that caused to playback only the first file when multiple files were opened. - Fixed a bug in the Timesync -> Jump to dialog. - Bugfix in MIT (PhysioBank) converter: use default gain of 200 when adc gain is set to 0. From now on, all PhysioBank files can be converted to EDF+ including events/annotations. - Don't update the onset time in the annotation editor when changing file position. - Solved a bug that that could cause the creation of an incompatible montage file. - Don't invert the heartrate trace when the parent trace is inverted. - Fixed a bug in the EDF header editor. - Fixed a bug that reset some settings of the program to the standard settings. version 1.58 July 10, 2016 -------------- - Solved a bug that could display a wrong trace when opening three or more files and when re-arranging the order of the traces. - Reduce memory usage. - SCP-ECG (EN 1064:2005+A1:2007) to EDF+ converter: added support for bimodal compression and reference beat subtraction. - Make it possible to use the mouse to drag horizontally by keeping the middle mousebutton pressed. - Fixed a bug in the spectrumanalyzer for files with very high samplerate (>=5GHz). - Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when changing file position when no file was opened. version 1.57 January 16, 2016 -------------- - Update annotation markers when switching between real and relative time. - Added an EDF converter for the Biox CB-1305-C 3-channel ambulatory ECG recorder/holter. - Spectrumanalyzer: make numbers like frequency more "human readable" by using suffix like K(ilo), M(ega), etc. - Increase the maximum DFT blocksize to 16777216 (2^24) samples. - Don't use the native menubar. - Realtime playback function added. - Added the possibility to choose between "stairsteps" or linear interpolation between two consecutive samples for drawing the traces when number of samples on the screen is less than number of horizontal screen pixels. You can select it in the settings menu, tab "Other" (Tools -> Options). - Added the possibility to open a streaming file from the commandline. version 1.56 June 25, 2015 -------------- - Fixed a bug that caused the Unisens converter to fail. - Added a tool that converts an audiorecording containing an FM modulated ECG waveform to EDF. - Added an anti-aliasing filter to the samplerate divider/decimator in the file reducer tool. The order of this filter can be chosen. - Make it possible to remove just one filter. (Before, you could only remove all filters.) - Make it possible to close just one file. (Before, you could only close all files.) - Make the Nihon Kohden converter work with "EEG-1100A V02.00" files. - Changed licence to GPLv3. - Added a new setting in the settings menu. Now you can set the default amplitude that will be applied when you add new signals. Before the default was always 100. - Qt has been updated to 4.8.7. version 1.55 February 7, 2015 ------------ - Added a MIT to EDF+ converter (to convert files from PhysioBank at At this moment it supports the "Format 212" and "Format 16". Most of the signal files in PhysioBank are written in format 212. Other formats will be probably added in future. Annotations (in the *.atr or *.ari file) will be read and converted to EDF+ as well. - docked Power Spectrum: show percentage when using colorbars, in the settingsmenu, it's now possible to select between auto-gain or manual sensitivity for the colorbars. - Allow to open multiple docked Power Spectrum windows. - Correct the screen-offset when inverting a signal that contains a dc-offset. - Removed a bug in the "Organize signals" dialog that caused a crash when selecting signals in reverse order. - Removed a bug that caused a crash when selecting a bessel bandstop/pass filter with an order > 10. - Increased the maximum number of filters from 8 to 16. - Added a Spike filter which can be used to filter out spikes, glitches, fast transients or pacemaker impulses. version 1.54 October 11, 2014 ------------ - The Unisens to EDF converter now supports also files with binary format double, int64 or uint64. - The Power Spectrum now can plot a logarithmic vertical scale. - The docked Power Spectrum now auto-adjust the y-scale only once. - The docked Power Spectrum now can also be used in streaming mode. - The settings of the docked Power Spectrum will be stored in the montage as well. - EDFbrowser can now play video's (Linux version only). Have a look at the manual for the details. - Fixed a bug in the filter dialog that could cause some widgets not being shown. - Removed compile-errors when using Qt5 (due to bugs in Qt5, it's not advised to use Qt5 yet). - From now on, the Mingw-w64 compiler needs to be used for Windows. (see README.txt) - Qt has been updated to 4.8.6. version 1.53 December 10, 2013 ------------ - The activity of the floating ruler will now be stored in the montages as well. - Added a filter to the annotationslist. - Modified the BI9800 to EDF converter to make it work with 48-hour recordings. - Made the viewtime (fileposition) indicator configurable. Added the date to the viewtime indicator in the left down corner of the screen. This can be configured in the settings menu. - Made the window title bar configurable. This can be configured in the settings menu. - fixed a bug in the EDF+D to EDF+C converter. - Added the possibility to save and load different color schemas. - Added support for the Unisens fileformat. You will find the converter in the Tools menu. - Added the possibility to save and load colorschemas. version 1.52 September 7, 2013 ------------ - Added an SCP-ECG file to EDF+ converter. Bimodal compression or customized Hufmanntables are not supported. Lossless compression using default Hufmanntable and/or 1th/2th differences is supported. Character-encoding other than ASCII/Latin-1 is not supported. - Added two shortcuts (Plus and Minus keys) to increase or decrease the amplitude of the signals (sensitivity). - Added the possibility to choose between little endian or big endian encoding in the binary/raw to EDF converter tool. - Increased the number of pre-defined montage shortcuts from 8 to 12 (keys F1 to F12). - Added the possibility to use aliases for the signallabels on the screen. - Qt has been updated to 4.8.5. version 1.51 May 11, 2013 ------------ - Added a Manscan MICROAMPS binary file to EDF+ converter. - Solved another bug in the sorting algorithm used for the annotationlist. version 1.50 April 20, 2013 ------------ - Fixed a bug in the ECG heartrate detection algorithm when a high samplerate was used. - Improved the sorting algorithm used for the annotationlist, it was very slow when the annotationlist contains more than 10000 annotations. - Added the possibility to adjust the samplerate divider for all signals at once in the reducer/decimator tool. - EDFbrowser now checks online for a newer version during startup. This can be switched off in the settings menu. version 1.49 February 5, 2013 ------------ - Added a binary/raw to EDF converter tool. - Solved a bug in the "Import annotations" tool. When importing from ascii, wrong onset-times were created when there were more than 7 digits after the decimal point. - Added a scrollbar to the options- / settingsdialog in order to make it fit on screens with low vertical height (modern laptops with 16:9 screen). - Removed GTK-style support because it's broken. - Updated Qt to 4.8.4 version 1.48 June 8, 2012 ------------ - Added sub-second precision for annotations when using the Nihon Kohden converter. (Before, the onsettimes of the annotations were rounded to seconds.) - Added Z-EEG measurement. - Improved the header editor/fixer. Now it accepts files with a maximum of 2048 signals. (Before it was limited to files with a maximum of 256 signals.) Now, it can also fix the digital minimum/maximum fields in the header (e.g. when a broken number was written instead of an integer number). - Updated Qt to 4.8.2 version 1.47 May 7, 2012 ------------ - Solved a bug that caused a crash when saving an EDF- or BDF-file after importing annotations. - Changed the "Export ECG RR-interval" tool in such a way that you can easily export the whole recording. Also, now it's possible to import them as annotations directly. - The tool "Import annotations/events" can now also import the duration of an annotation/event (from ASCII- or XML-files). - Added the possibility to hide or unhide annotations from the screen. (Right-click on an annotation in the annotationswindow.) version 1.46 April 13, 2012 ------------ - Solved a bug that caused a crash when the "Abort" button was clicked when opening a BDF-file. - Solved some small bugs and made some enhancements. - Updated Qt to 4.8.1. version 1.45 March 31, 2012 ------------ - Added the possibility to disable scanning for annotations or triggers when opening a file, depending of the filesize. This can be useful when working with big files that take a lot of time to read-in annotations, events or triggers. (Due to the nature of the EDF-format, the annotations-channel(s) needs to be read from the beginning till the end of the file.) In the "Settings -> other" dialog you can adjust the filesize which above EDFbrowser will not scan the file for annotations. (between 100 MB and 10 GB) - extended the capabilities of the header-editor. Now it can also fix files that have a wrong number of datarecords written in the header or when the file does not end at the boundary of a datarecord. See the manual for the details. - Improved the ECG heartrate detection algorithm. - Fixed some bugs related to signals with inversed polarity (i.e. when physical maximum is lower than physical minimum). version 1.44 March 4, 2012 ------------ - Fixed a bug that caused the "print to PDF / Postscript / Image" to fail when non-ascii characters where present in the new filename. - Fixed a bug that caused "printing to image" drawing the signals too thick and wrong rulers. - Fixed a bug in the ECG heartrate detection algorithm that could cause wrong measurements with high heartrates (more than 120 bpm). - Added Mousewheel zoom-in/out by pressing the Ctrl-key. version 1.43 Februari 17, 2012 ------------ - Fixed multiple bugs related to annotationmarkers and EDFplus feature to use subsecondprecision in the starttime of the file. (Only affects files that uses the subsecond starttime offset EDF+ feature.) version 1.42 Februari 1, 2012 ------------ - Fixed a problem with EDFbrowser not capable to handle filenames and/or directories that contain non-ascii characters. From now on, filenames/paths will be handled and saved using the local 8-bit encoding. - Added multi-threading capabilities to the drawing engine. EDFbrowser will now use all available cpu-cores in your system to speedup the drawing of the signals. version 1.41 December 4, 2011 ------------ - Fixed a bug (introduced with ver. 1.40) that caused a long time to open an EDF+ or BDF+ file when it contains many annotations. - Improved printing quality. On some printers or pdf-readers, the signals and rulers were hardly visible because the linewidth was too small. - Added the possibility to set the colors of the averaging window to black/white. - Added the possibility to check for and remove duplicate annotations (Tools menu). version 1.40 December 1, 2011 ------------ - Added the possibility to reduce the samplerate of one or more signals in the tool "Reduce signals, duration or samplerate" (Tools menu). - Added the possibility to change/edit the starttime/date of a file with the EDF/BDF header editor (Tools menu). - The Statistics dialog shows also the number of zero-crossings and the frequency of a signal. - The Nihon Kohden to EDF+ converter now processes also the Trigger/Marker channel. For example, photo- or dc-triggers will be processed by the converter and can be displayed by EDFbrowser. - Fixed a bug in the signalcurve (graph) of the averaging window, when "invert" was selected, the vertical ruler could disappear. - Fixed a bug in the floating ruler. - Raised the maximum amount of signals per file limit from 256 to 512. version 1.39 September 20, 2011 ------------ - Fixed another bug related to annotationmarkers and EDFplus feature to use subsecondprecision in the starttime of the file. - Updated Qt to 4.7.4 version 1.38 August 24, 2011 ------------ - Fixed lots of regression bugs introduced with version 1.37. - Fixed a bug related to annotationmarkers and EDFplus feature to use subsecondprecision in the starttime of the file. - Fixed a bug in the ascii to edf converter that caused to produce an invalid edf file when all samples in have value "0.0". version 1.37 August 17, 2011 ------------ - Removed the limitation that no more annotations can be saved than the amount of datarecords. EDFbrowser could only write one annotation per datarecord. From now on, if there are more annotations than datarecords, the size (smpls/record) of the annotationchannel will increase automatically in order to fit multiple annotations as needed. version 1.36 June 16, 2011 ------------ - Solved a bug when importing events/annotations from an ascii-file. version 1.35 June 16, 2011 ------------ - Changed the selectionbehaviour of the signallist in Signals -> Organize. Now you can select multiple signals when organizing the signals on the screen. - Solved a bug that caused showing the wrong signal when there are duplicate signalnames in a file. - Solved a bug that caused a cryptic error message "avg_cnt is ..." when averaging a signal using a trigger/annotation which was not inside the selected timewindow. - Now it is possible to start/open multiple averagingwindows applied on the same signal. - Added the possibility to invert the waveform of the averagingwindow. - Solved a bug that caused an errormessage when trying to open a large file (>2.1GB) on a Mac. - Removed some bugs in the heartrate detection code. - Now you can choose between different kinds of data (R onset or RR-interval or both) when exporting the heartrate data. version 1.34 May 9, 2011 ------------ - Added ECG heartrate detection (it calculates beats per minute from the ECG-waveform). - Added the possibility to import annotations, also from discontinues EDF+D or BDF+D files. - Added mousewheel scrolling. - Added the possibility to save the data from averaging as EDF/BDF. - Added the possibility to (re-)organize (re-order and/or invert) the signals on the screen in an easy way via Menu -> Signals -> Organize. - Modified the annotation editor, from now on annotations with an onsettime more than 24 hours can be edited as well. - Solved a bug that prevented a messagebox to appear when trying to open a BDF+D file. - Changed the way the onsettime of the annotations are presented. version 1.33 March 22, 2011 ------------ - Added the possibility to import/extract triggers/events from/recorded on a dc-coupled channel. - Added the possibility to perform "averaging" (evoked potentials or other triggers) using (imported) annotations, events or other kind of triggers. - Added a WAV to EDF converter. - Modified the Nihon Kohden to EDF converter so that it will use the electrodenames defined by the user in the acquisition software. - Fixed a bug that caused writing a wrong value in the datarecorddurationfield of the header when saving annotations and when the number in the datarecorddurationfield of the sourcefile has more than six digits after the dot. - Fixed a bug related to a rarely used EDFplus feature to use subsecondprecision in the starttime of the file. Some tools ignored this feature, this has been fixed. - Updated Qt to 4.7.2 version 1.32 December 16, 2010 ------------ - Fixed a bug that prevented from updating the screen when in streaming mode and after all signals were removed. - Fixed a bug in EDFlib. version 1.31 December 8, 2010 ------------ - Added a streaming mode. The stream must be a "growing" file. This mode can be used when you have an aquisitionprogram running that writes EDF or BDF. While the aquisitionprogram writes the data to the file, you can use EDFbrowser to watch (follow) the actual data. EDFbrowser will regularly check the actual filesize and show the last part of the file i.e. the most actual/recent data. - Added a "moving average" filtermodel (high- and lowpass). - The "View montage" dialogs got a facelift. version 1.30 November 24, 2010 ------------ - Added the possibility to import events/annotations from a text/csv or XML file. - Enhanced the "Export annotations/events" tool. Now you can choose the separator character (comma or tab) and you can choose different ISO time (and date) timestamps encodings. XML export is possible as well. - Solved a bug in de the "adjust filter" dialogue. When using a notchfilter, the "order" widget was shown instead of the "Q-factor" widget. - Updated Qt to version 4.7.1. version 1.29 November 9, 2010 ------------ - Added the possibility to adjust the filter settings while watching the result (realtime). - Fixed a bug that caused the program to remember the wrong montage. - Added a possibility in the ASCII to EDF converter to detect the physical maximum values of the signals automatically. - The ASCII to EDF converter can also convert to BDF (24-bit). version 1.28 October 27, 2010 ------------ - Added support for reading the "Status" signal in Biosemi data files. This can be switched on/off in the settings menu. - Added a Biosemi to BDF+ converter. It converts the Biosemi trigger inputs to annotations which can be read and processed by EDFbrowser. - Added an EDF-converter for the Bmeye Nexfin / FrameInspector csv-output (beat-to-beat data, bloodpressure waveform, analog inputs). - Added zoom-in/zoom-out function using Ctrl++ and Ctrl--. - Added keyboard shortcuts and accelerators to the menu's. - From now on, the timescale will be saved in montages as well. - When opening a file, the last used montage (with that file) will be applied automatically. This behaviour can be switched off in the settingsmenu. version 1.27 September 27, 2010 ------------ - Made all the file-open/save dialogs native. This improves the speed in file-listing on some windows-pc's. version 1.26 September 7, 2010 ------------ - Added an header-editor. - Added a file reducer/cropper. - Added the possibility to clip the signals to their pane. - Solved a bug that rendered the settingsmenu invisible on the Mac. version 1.25 August 2, 2010 ------------ - Solved a bug that caused writing invalid files and/or caused to reject opening a file because of an incompatibility while in reality the file was valid. This was caused by a localizationproblem which occurred only on systems where countrysettings are used that uses a comma as a decimal separator. - Changed the name of the "Display" menu to "Timescale". - Added the entry "3 cm/sec" to the the Timescale menu. - From now on EDFbrowser will use the DPI-settings from the underlying windowmanager in order to calibrate the screen. If this doesn't work well in your situation, you can still calibrate the screen manually in the settingsmenu. - Solved a bug that caused malformed waveforms when opening large files (>4 GB) and when navigating to the end of the file. This was caused by an integer overflow. - Solved a bug in the ASCII to EDF converter (couldn't open templates). - Changed the sourcecode to improve Mac compatibility. version 1.24 June 28, 2010 ------------ - Solved a bug in the Nihon Kohden to EDF+ converter that caused a message "Can not open file *.log for reading,". version 1.23 June 23, 2010 ------------ - Changed the DFT-algorithm of the powerspectrum to an FFT-algorithm in order to avoid long computation times. - Added the possibility to adjust the blocksize for the powerspectrum (FFT). - Added an extra option to the Annotations export tool. Now you can choose to save the annotations in a comma separated textfile or in the EDFplus format. - Changed the position of the widgets in the annotation-editor window. The "Create" button will not be cut-off anymore when a monitor with a resolution of 1024 x 768 is used. - Qt has been updated to version 4.6.3 (windows version has still 4.6.2). version 1.22 june 4, 2010 ------------ - Added a docked powerspectrum which updates automatically when you navigate through a file (PgUp,PgDn, etc,). - Added the possibility to use different backgroundcolors for different frequencyregions in the docked powerspectrum (colorbars). - Added an export function for the powerspectrum. This will export the data of the powerspectrum to a textfile. - Added a cursor to the powerspectrum. - Improved the way filters run-in. - Added an export function for annotations. This will export the annotations to a comma separated textfile. - Added a possibility to bind keys F1 ... F8 to predefined montages. This way you can quickly switch between different montages by pressing F1, F2, etc. - Removed a bug in the EDF+D to EDF+C converter that could cause a crash. - Removed a bug in the BDF+ to ASCII converter. version 1.21 may 11, 2010 ------------ - The Powerspectrum window will not block the mainwindow anymore. Now you can open multiple Powerspectrum windows (for example, to compare different blocks of data and/or different signals). - Made a printing option for the Powerspectrum. you can print the Powerspectrum to a printer, Postscript, PDF or an image by rightclicking on the curve of the Powerspectrum. - The ASCII to EDF converter now has a multiplierfactor. Cleaned up the code of the converter as well. - Fixed a bug that caused writing to a freed memory area which could cause a crash when closing the program (mainly noticeable on windows). - Fixed a memoryleak. version 1.20 may 4, 2010 ------------ - Added a power spectrum analyzer (Discrete Fourier Transform). - Removed a bug that caused wrong vertical ruler values during printing. - Removed a bug that caused a wrong screenoffset when changing the offset in the signalproperties dialog. version 1.19 april 20, 2010 ------------ - Added extra filter options: lowpass, highpass, notch, bandpass, bandstop, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel, 1,2,3,...8 th order, adjustable bandpassripple or Q-factor. - Removed a bug in the BDF to EDF converter, clicking on "Select all signals" or "Deselect all signals" without a selected file, caused a crash. - Fixed a bug in the "Print to EDF" and "Print to BDF" function. Filter description in header was wrong (i.e. "LPF:" instead of "LP:"). - Fixed a bug in the Filter Dialog. When adding a new filter when signals have different samplerates, initialisation of the new filter could happen with wrong samplerate, causing a wrong frequency of the filter. - Updated Qt to version 4.6.2 version 1.18 januari 12, 2010 ------------ - added an annotation editor - solved a bug that could cause an errormessage "can not open file for reading" - solved a bug that could cause a false positive when checking the EDF-header of an EDFplus file (patientfield) version 1.17 november 4, 2009 ------------ - solved a bug in load_montage_dialog.cpp that caused a crash when loading a montage and a label was not found version 1.16 october 28, 2009 ------------ - solved a bug in the BDF+ to EDF+ converter - solved a bug in the XML parser - solved a memoryleak when using filters - solved some minor bugs - added a floating ruler - made some minor cosmetic changes - updated Qt to version 4.5.3 version 1.15 june 18, 2009 ----------- - solved a bug that could cause a crash when using crosshairs version 1.14 april 27, 2009 ----------- - solved a bug & optimized the code in the BDF to EDF converter - updated Qt to version 4.5.1 version 1.13 april 20, 2009 ----------- - added a BDF(+) to EDF(+) converter version 1.12 april 2, 2009 ----------- - bugfix release, solved a crash when removing a signal or a filter version 1.11 march 31, 2009 ----------- - added an EDF+D to EDF+C converter, it can convert discontinues files to continues files (interrupted recordings to un-interrupted recordings), can be used for BDF+D files as well - added an Emsa (*.PLG) EEG to EDF+ format converter - updated Qt to version 4.5.0 which has better GTK-style support when Gnome is used version 1.10 februari 13, 2009 ----------- - solved a bug that generated a false "read error" message when using filters at the start of the file (this bug appeared in version 1.09) version 1.09 februari 11, 2009 ----------- - solved a bug in the "Print to EDF/BDF" tools which could cause a crash - solved compilerwarnings in GCC 4.3.2 (warn_unused_result) version 1.08 december 15, 2008 ----------- - added a slider for navigating - solved a bug in the BDF+ compatibility checker - disabled the possibility to open discontinuous files (interrupted recordings) because of technical reasons version 1.07 november 5, 2008 ----------- - improved speed when a long displaytime is used - added support for the BDF+ format. Read the details here. - solved some minor bugs version 1.06 october 23, 2008 ----------- - solved a minor issue with the built-in EDF-checker - updated Qt to 4.4.3 version 1.05 september 17, 2008 ----------- - added a Finometer (Beatscope) to EDF format converter. (Finometer is a non-invasive stationary blood measurement and beat to beat haemodynamic monitoring system made by Finapres Medical Systems) read the documentation for the details. - solved a bug that causes a crash when a file was opened via the cmd-line with an unknown extension. - updated Qt to 4.4.1 Version 1.04 may 2, 2008 ----------- - added an ASCII to EDF format converter Version 1.03 march 31, 2008 ----------- - improved printing resolution - solved an issue with printermargins and fonts thanks to new printerframework in Qt 4.4.x - added option to "print" to an EDF or BDF file now you can extract one or more signals and write it to a new EDF file or you can combine signals from several files into one new EDF file printing to a BDF file is supported as well read the manual for the details - added option user defined displaytime (pagetime) - added option jump to end of recording - dropped the maximum datarecordblocksize of 61440 bytes requirement for EDF+ files from now on EDFbrowser will accept EDF+ files with larger blocksizes Version 1.02 februari 11, 2008 ----------- - solved a bug that potentially could crash the program when opening EDF+ files with a durationfield in annotations Version 1.01 januari 21, 2008 ----------- - solved two bugs that could create errors in timesyncing between multiple files - added support for large files (>2.1GB) - updated Qt to version 4.3.3 Version 1.00 januari 8, 2008 ----------- - Initial release.