EDF de-identifier (anonymizer)

EDF de-identifier is a commandline tool that anonymizes an EDF(+) or BDF(+) file.
It removes all subject and record info from the file header.
Apart from the header, it has options to remove all annotations or perform string-replacements in the annotation descriptions.
Optionally, it can write a new string (sequence number, UID, etc.) into the header.
The modifications are done inline. No (backup)copy is made. Always make a backup copy of your file(s) before using this tool.

System requirements

Any recent x86_64 GNU/Linux OS should suffice. Apart from glibc, it doesn't depend on any libraries.


Feedback to: teuniz@protonmail.com

More info

A very convenient open-source programming library for C/C++ programmers who want to implement EDF(+) and/or BDF(+).